John Bryan State Park
Eastern Bluebirds

John Bryan State Park

Some time ago, while on a trip to Ohio with my family, I got to spend some time in John Bryan State Park in Clifton, Ohio. While I didn’t get to spend too much time there I did get to see some fun birds and get a few shots as well. The downside here, because I was traveling, is I had all my gear to carry in 80 degree weather. Good practice I suppose as I am not used to it, but carrying 30lbs on my back in that heat certainly took a bit out of me. Anyways…

The first bird I saw was a Great Crested Flycatcher. While I wasn’t able to get any usable pictures of this particular species there, I was able to get several others, including some pictures of a few birds I have yet to photograph outside of Central America. This is large due to being not common where I live or are hard to see due to being in or under thick canopy. The birds on this list include the Summer Tanager (not common where I live), the blue-gray gnatcatcher (hard to find) and the Eastern Wood Pewee (quite common but just hard to see). I was also able to get some video of the Pewee singing, which is always fun.

Other birds that I saw, though not all I was able to get good pictures of or any pictures at all, were an Indigo Bunting, Northern Cardinal, Eastern Bluebirds, Carolina Chickadee, Northern Flicker, Baltimore Oriole and Goldfinches.

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